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Naturalin Bio-Resources Co. Ltd.

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chamomile powder extracts
chamomile powder extracts
Specification: MN05
Detail: Chamomile is one of the oldest favorites amongst garden herbs and its reputation as a medicinal plant shows little signs of abatement. The Egyptians reverenced it for its virtues, and from their belief in its power to cure agu...

epimedium powder extract
epimedium powder extract
Specification: MN05
Detail: For most of Westerners, of all the tradtional Chinese herbal medicines, ginseng is one of the most popular herbs for strengthening sexual desire. However, there is another herb for improving the sex drive, Epimedium. Icariin e...

ginkgo biloba powder extracts
ginkgo biloba powder extracts
Specification: MN05
Detail: Ginkgo Biloba leaf is the best selling herbal product in the world. It is an extract from the green leaves of the Ginkgo tree which is native to Asia, however, is grown worldwide. The active ingredients in the extract are th...

rhodiola rosapowder extract
rhodiola rosapowder extract
Specification: MN05
Detail: Crenulate(Rhodiola rosa) is a voluble medicinal plant mainly produced in the mountainsofTibet,Xingjiang, Gansu and Jilin, China, belonging to Rhodiola family, a kind of perennial plant. Its root and rhizone are taken as medici...

garlic powder extracts
garlic powder extracts
Specification: MN05
Detail: Garlic is a member of the onion family and is nature's most versatile medicinal plant. Garlic has been used all over the world for thousands of years for a wide range of conditions. It has been prized since the first records o...

ginseng powder extracts
ginseng powder extracts
Specification: MN05
Detail: Ginseng is the most famous Chinese herb. It is the most widely recognized plant used in traditional medicine. Various forms of ginseng have been used in medicine for more than 7000 years. Several species grow around the world,...

grape seed extract 95%
grape seed extract 95%
Specification: MN05
Detail: Grape seeds are an excellent source of oligomeric proanthocyanidins and have been the subject of clinical research in france for their antioxidant activity. antioxidants play an important role in the development of collagen in...
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